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CMPUT 101: Introduction to Computing
CMPUT 300: Computers and Society
CMPUT 325: Non-Procedural Programming Languages
CMPUT 366: Intelligent Systems (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence)
Winter (Jan-Apr) 1998 (Then called "CMPUT 551")
CMPUT 466/551: Introduction to Machine Learning
CMPUT 603: Teaching and Research Methodology
(Also Fall (Sept-Dec) 2009, and Fall (Sept-Dec) 2008, but those Moodle pages are gone.)
CMPUT 463/553: Probabilistic Graphical Models (Topics in Artificial Intelligence) - See Announcement
Fall (Sept - Dec) 2020
Winter (Jan-Apr) 2014 (Then called "CMPUT 651")
Winter (Jan-Apr) 2013 (Then called "CMPUT 651")
Fall (Sept-Dec) 2008 (Then called "CMPUT 651")
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